Home / The Sterile Process Exam Prep Course

Price: $697

We aim to provide you with the necessary tools and resources to excel in the field of sterile processing and prepare for the CRCST exam. By joining our program, you will gain valuable knowledge and skills that will kickstart your career as a certified sterile processing technician.

Here's what you can expect to gain from our program:

1. Exam Prep Flashcards: Our meticulously designed flashcards cover all the key concepts, terminology, and best practices relevant to sterile processing. These portable study aids are an effective way to reinforce your knowledge and retain important information, making it easier for you to master the exam content.

2. Exam Resources for Preparing for the Exam: Our exam resources are designed to help you put your knowledge to the test. Included are practice quizzes and downloadable chapter reviews that have been carefully selected to be engaging and convenient. With these materials, you will have the necessary tools to successfully pass your exam and advance in your career.

3. Resume & Interview Blueprint: Stand out from the competition with our comprehensive resume and interview blueprint. Crafted specifically for sterile processing technicians, this resource provides tips, a resume template, and guidance on acing interviews in the field. Present yourself as a competent and professional candidate, ready to contribute to any healthcare facility.

4. Live Virtual Lectures: Gain invaluable knowledge of critical concepts with our Virtual Lectures, held twice a week on Zoom. Collaborate with other CRCST aspirants, discuss challenging topics, share insights, and receive guidance from expert instructors. This interactive learning experience promotes motivation, engagement, and fosters a sense of camaraderie, making your exam preparation journey as efficient and enjoyable as possible.

5. Pre-recorded Lectures: We understand your busy schedule, which is why we offer conveniently pre-recorded lectures for those who work, have children, or obligations that prefers a flexible schedule, this allows you to access the recorded sessions at your own pace and never miss out on crucial exam preparation material.

6. Certificate of Completion: To successfully complete this program, you must achieve a minimum score of 70% on the final exam, practice quizzes, and submit homework. A certificate of completion is often required by employers for hiring, and this program will fulfill that requirement.

Duration: Our program is designed to be completed in about 3 months, allowing you to gain the necessary knowledge and skills in a timely manner.

Price: $697

Pay in full or Payment Plan

 We look forward to helping you succeed in the field of sterile processing!

Why Choose Us.

  • Extensive Coverage

    Our course covers all exam topics thoroughly, leaving no knowledge gap and ensuring proper preparation to pass CRCST exam.

  • Interactive Learning

    Interactive Learning: Experience engaging lectures, interactive quizzes, and hands-on exercises that make studying enjoyable and boost retention.

  • Expert Guidance

    Benefit from the guidance of experienced instructors who provide personalized support and valuable insights throughout your exam journey.

  • Proven Success:

    Join the ranks of our successful students who have achieved high pass rates and secured their CRCST certification with confidence.


LaShae there’s no amount of words that I could say to express how much I truly appreciate you and the way you teach I have a different way of learning and the way you taught me the way you were able to break down the material you have no idea how much I was able to grasp it without feeling confused

Thank you so much for your guidance, support and teachings. Please don’t stop teaching people to push themselves to the limit. You are greatly appreciated and I couldn’t have done it without you and God.

If you’re debating whether or not to get the resume and cover letter template then let me make it easy for you.
Just do it!!! I started the program with my own resume and applied to a few jobs with no luck. As soon as I changed by resume to reflect the template and used the cover letter, It all changed for the good because I got my first interview within days of changing it. Now I’ll be starting the new year working as an SP Tech!!! I can’t thank Lashea enough for showing me how to be a boss and helping me achieve my goals. Please invest in yourself because like me you deserve it.